Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Clean Grease Off A Cement Floor

Removing grease from concrete can be done using common household items.

Grease and oil on concrete can create unsightly stains. Removing the oil and grease stains from the concrete may require multiple attempts, depending on how large the affected areas are. The good news is that most grease will not penetrate the layers of the concrete and can be removed with products you may have at home or can buy from your local grocery store.


1. Spread a layer of kitty litter, cornstarch, sawdust or baking soda over the grease stains. Use enough of your chosen material to thoroughly cover the grease stain. Allow the material to absorb the grease or oil for three hours.

2. Use a stiff nylon brush and scrub the kitty litter, cornstarch, sawdust or baking soda into the stain. Scrub the area in different directions to push the material into the stain and the concrete crevices. The will allow the material to soak up more of the grease. If the surface is large with multiple stains, such as a driveway, use a push broom with hard, rough bristles.

3. Sweep the area thoroughly and throw away the material used to absorb the grease. Prepare soapy water using 1/4 cup dish soap to 1 gallon of hot water. Scrub the stained area in the same manner as step 2. The amount of soapy water needed will vary by the size of the stain and how much of the grease remains. Rinse the area with plain water.

4. Allow the area to dry. Repeat the process until the stain is removed. Grease stains more than a year old or areas where the grease has built up over months may require multiple treatments.

Tips Warnings

If the grease stain is large or older than a year, try using a power washer after cleaning the area.