Monday, August 20, 2012

Select Fresh Eggplant

Selecting a fresh eggplant is critical if you want your recipes to turn out well. Also, choosing a fresh eggplant will ensure you got the most nutrients from the eggplant. Many people choose to pick locally grown produce, since it is ripened on the vine and has a shorter trip to travel to your market. To many people, eggplants look the same, but with these tips, you will be able to select the freshest eggplant out of the bunch.


1. Find out what days your market gets their produce delivery on and plan to shop on those days. Do not shop early in the morning, since it takes time for the floor clerks to get out the produce.

2. Pick an eggplant with a deep purple color.

3. Select an eggplant with a firm, shiny skin without blemishes. Sometimes the blemishes can be the start of rot.

4. Look for eggplants with grass-green stem tops. If the stem is too brown, it may mean the eggplant has been sitting around for too long.

5. Select an eggplant that feels heavier than it looks. Just like apples, the more moisture inside the eggplant, the fresher it will be.

Tags: eggplant with, fresh eggplant, Select eggplant, your market