Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mash Sweet Potatoes With Coconut

Use fresh, whole sweet potatoes for the best possible flavor.

Mashed sweet potatoes with coconut are a flavorful alternative to regular mashed potatoes when served with a simple dinner or a large holiday meal. Sweet potatoes with coconut pair well with roasted and baked chicken recipes, especially those with just a hint of sweetness. For a full meal, serve the sweet potatoes with a fresh green salad, a loaf of warm bread and a glass of slightly sweet white wine like Riesling.


1. Wash the sweet potatoes under cold running water. Pat the sweet potatoes dry with a clean kitchen towel or disposable towels and peel the sweet potatoes using a standard potato peeler.

2. Fill a large saucepan with water and bring it to the boil. Add the sweet potatoes and cook until tender. The sweet potatoes should gently flake apart when poked with the tines of a fork when done cooking.

3. Drain the sweet potatoes in a colander in the sink. Put the sweet potatoes back in the large saucepan and add the butter. Mash the mixture with a potato masher until fully combined. Season with sea salt or kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

4. Add the minced coconut to the sweet potato mixture and stir to combine with a large wooden spoon over low heat.

5. Transfer the sweet potatoes to a large serving bowl or individual plates and serve immediately while hot.

Tags: sweet potatoes, large saucepan, potatoes with, potatoes with, potatoes with coconut, sweet potatoes