Monday, September 21, 2009

Prepare Vegetables From The Garden For The Freezer

Frozen vegetables have a softer texture than fresh vegetables.

Freezing is one of the least labor-intensive methods for preserving your garden produce. No special equipment is required like it is for canning or drying vegetables. Nearly all vegetables freeze well if you prepare them properly. Blanching prior to freezing helps vegetables keep most of their texture and flavor, though frozen vegetables are best if you use them in cooked recipes. Bell peppers are the only vegetables that freeze well without blanching or other freezer preparation.


1. Place the vegetables in a colander and rinse off any soil or dirt. Pat the vegetables dry with a towel.

2. Cut away any stems or bruised portions of the vegetables. Peel and slice vegetables like carrots and cut larger vegetables, such as broccoli, into smaller pieces.

3. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Set a bowl filled with ice water next to the stove.

4. Plunge the vegetables into the boiling water. Blanch most vegetables for between three and five minutes. Refer to a blanching chart for the exact time required for the vegetable you are preparing (see Resources).

5. Scoop the vegetables out of the boiling water with a slotted spoon once the cooking time is complete. Plunge them into the ice water so the vegetables do not continue to cook from internal heat.

6. Pat the vegetables dry with a towel. Spread them out a cookie sheet and place in the freezer.

7. Once the vegetables are frozen, usually within six to 10 hours, place them in a freezer bag or other suitable storage.

Tags: boiling water, freeze well, vegetables with, vegetables with towel, with towel