Monday, December 31, 2012

Freshen Up Dull Lettuce

Sometimes you purchase lettuce, wash it and store it in the refrigerator, only to find it later dull and unappealing. Nobody wants to eat wilted lettuce. Luckily, there's an easy way to freshen up that head of lettuce. It's such a simple, quick solution to an everyday problem. You may end up sharing this tip on remove excess water from your lettuce with all your friends and family.


1. Remove the lettuce from the refrigerator. If you've already placed it in a lettuce crisper and washed it, this is fine. If your lettuce is still wrapped in the store's packaging, remove the packaging from the lettuce. Rinse the lettuce under water.

2. Peel back the wilted leaves if you think they're inedible. Save these for composting, put them down the garbage disposal or throw them in the trash.

3. Soak the dull lettuce in a bowl of cold water. Add the juice of one-half a lemon to the water. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for one-half hour to one hour. The lemon can act as a flavoring for the lettuce once you eat it.

4. Take the lettuce out of the cold water after one half-hour and serve. You should have been able to freshen your lettuce this way. If you have any leftover lettuce, place a paper towel at the bottom of your lettuce crisper or container before placing the lettuce back in the refrigerator. The paper towel absorbs the excess moisture, allowing your lettuce leaves to remain water-free.

Tags: your lettuce, cold water, lettuce crisper, paper towel