Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eat Chicken

Food etiquette has evolved over the years. It once was acceptable to pick up food on a bone, such as chicken, if it could be held with two fingers. Times have changed, though, with most people using a knife and fork to eat chicken, unless they're eating a drumstick that is. Also when eating chicken, make sure it is properly cooked.


1. Serve the chicken with a large serving fork. Take one piece at a time. Place each piece of chicken on your plate or allow the service to do it for you.

2. Wait until everyone is served their meal and then begin eating. Select the steak knife and begin to cut a small piece of meat from the bone or through the boneless chicken. Place the fork on the side of the plate. Place the fork in the proper hand and take a bite.

3. Chew with your mouth closed and continue to chew until the food is well masticated. Swallow, take a sip of water or other refreshment, and repeat Step 2. Continue until you have had enough.

4. Place both the knife and the fork on the center of the plate. This signals that you are done. If you would like more place, the knife and fork to the side and wait until someone asks if you want more. It is acceptable to have another piece on your own if no one notices your cutlery and doesn't ask.

Tags: knife fork, fork side, Place fork