Thursday, October 29, 2009

Make A Bowl With Bread Dough Clay

Bread dough clay for bowls is similar to actual bread dough.

Bread dough clay, also known as baker's clay, is a simple yet durable modeling clay that is versatile and easy to make. Bread dough clay is very similar in composition to edible bread dough but does not contain yeast. The most common use for bread dough clay is to make ornaments by rolling the dough out flat and cutting shapes with cookie cutters, but you can also make attractive bowls out of this clay.


1. Measure 4 cups flour and 1 cup salt into a mixing bowl. Stir to combine. Add 1 1/2 cups water and 1 tbsp. cooking oil. Stir until the mixture is smooth. Knead the mixture for five minutes until it resembles bread dough. Keep the dough in an airtight container until you are ready to make your bowl. It will remain fresh for about one week.

2. Form pieces of the dough into long rolls. Coil a roll into a flat circular shape. Stick the end of a roll onto the coiled piece, and continue to enlarge the flat circle to form the base of the bowl. The size of the base determines the size of the finished bowl; make the base as small or as large as you wish.

3. Attach dough coils around the outside perimeter of the base to form the sides of the bowl. When the sides of your bowl are the desired height, smooth the top edge or lip of the bowl. If desired, smooth the sides of the bowl as well by slightly moistening your hands with water and flattening the surface with your fingers.

4. Bake the bread dough bowl in the oven on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper at 275 degrees F for about an hour. When it is fully baked, take it out carefully and let it cool.

5. Paint the cooled bowl any color you wish. Let the base color dry, and then, if desired, paint designs on the bowl in contrasting colors. Give the dried paint a coat of clear lacquer for a shiny finish if you wish.

Tags: bread dough, dough clay, bowl desired, Bread dough, Bread dough clay