A number of methods can be used to preserve venison, including canning and freezing. However, dry curing venison produces a delicious treat. Dry-cured venison, also known as venison jerky, is a lower-fat alternative to beef jerky. You can also incorporate different spices to suit your palate. This method will allow you to enjoy venison all year round.
1. Freeze aged venison for several days to make it easier to cut. Slice the venison into your desired cuts and thickness.
2. Mix your dry cure for the venison. You will need one ounce of dry cure per one pound of meat.
3. Rub the dry cure into the meat thoroughly, adding cure as you work. Once each piece is covered in cure, you can store the meat in wooden boxes.
4. Repeat the curing process with your dry cure mixture in three to five days. Cover the meat entirely with the dry cure mixture and store in wooden boxes.
5. Repeat this cycle a third time in an additional three to five days. Allow the meat to cure completely by allowing seven days per inch of thickness.
Tags: boxes Repeat, cure mixture, five days, meat cure, three five, three five days, wooden boxes