Thursday, August 20, 2009

Use A Potato To Create Led Light

A potato can be used to make electricity.

Batteries supply power to our cars, flashlights and even our television remote controls. But organic matter such as fruits and vegetables can also be used as batteries. Tomatoes, lemons and potatoes all have the potential for acting as batteries. By creating a chemical reaction between organic matter and metals, electricity is created. Such a chemical reaction can be created within a potato to provide power for a light-emitting diode or LED light.


1. Insert a penny and a galvanized nail into the potato and about 1 inch deep. The penny and nail will serve as electrodes. They should not touch one another. If they do, no electricity or voltage will be created. This is known as "shorting out" a battery.

2. Connect the copper wires to the penny and the nail. Connect one wire to the penny and connect the other wire to the nail by wrapping them. The wires should be stripped of all insulation.

3. Connect the open ends of the wire to the LED bulb. The light should now illuminate.

Tags: chemical reaction, organic matter, penny nail