Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Types Of Beets

Beets are a versatile root vegetable.

A root vegetable, beets are available year-round. The green leaves of beets are also edible and contain a higher nutritional content than the beets. They have a sweet, earthy flavor when cooked, and are slightly less sweet when eaten raw.

Baby Candy Red Beets

Baby Candy beets are so called as they have red and white stripes when sliced. These beets have a slightly sweet flavor and are usually sliced and served raw in salads. They can be bought pickled and served as a side dish or with salad. They can also be fried, steamed and microwaved and served as a replacement for other root vegetables.

White Beets

White beets have slightly less sweetness than red beets. They can be roasted and eaten with butter and herbs or served with sprouts to make an original accompaniment to meat. A great advantage of white beets is that their coloring won't stain your fingers or clothing.

Golden Beets

The skin of golden beets is orange; once peeled, the flesh is a golden-brown color. As with other types of beets, they can be sliced or chopped and eaten raw with salads, roasted or steamed. When cooked, they make a good pairing for smoked fish, vegetables and pulses. They can also be used as an ingredient for salsa.

Chiogga Beets

Chiogga beets are named after the Italian town where they originated. The beets are red on the outside and inside they have a spiraling white and red pattern, however when cooked, they turn a light pink. They are milder than other types of beets and are used in similar ways -- pickled, raw or cooked. Used in salads, they can also be roasted and steamed.

Bull's Blood Beets

As the name suggests, Bull's Blood beets have a deep red color that is so intense it is used as a food coloring in certain countries. They can be eaten raw or cooked in salads and with other vegetables.

Tags: beets have, Baby Candy, beets have slightly, beets They, Bull Blood, cooked they