Thursday, August 6, 2009

Types Of Potatoes

Types of Potatoes

Even small town supermarkets carry a wide array of potato varieties. Some are best baked while others are ideal for mashed potatoes.


Russets are large with a high starch content and are often used for making baked potatoes. They're also a good choice for french fries.

Yukon Gold

Yukon gold are a medium-sized potato with a creamy or buttery flavor often used for mashed potato dishes.


Small red-skinned potatoes are low in starch and are often roasted or used in potato salad because they tend to hold their shape well.

Blue and Purple

Imported from South America, blue and purple potatoes have caught on in the U.S. in recent years. Steaming and baking are the preferred preparation method.

Round White

Because they are medium in starch level, round white potatoes are versatile. They can be prepared in many ways and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Sweet Potatoes

This root vegetable is a distant cousin of white-fleshed potatoes. Often served mashed and sweetened at Thanksgiving, they are also tasty when baked.

Tags: often used, Types Potatoes