Monday, August 10, 2009

Make Grilled Pineapple Desserts

If you find yourself out in the backyard having a summer cookout and want to serve dessert, consider this recipe. Fresh pineapple slices grill very well and, while still warm, team perfectly with vanilla ice cream.


1. Make sure the grill's heat is around medium.

2. Peel the pineapple and decide how you want to slice it; you can cut 1/2-inch-thick slices vertically or horizontally. Vertical slices let you avoid the core, but round horizontal slices are more uniform. If you cut rounds, slice out the center core.

3. Grate the zest ahead of time and reserve all ingredients until ready to cook.

4. Sprinkle the slices on both sides with some sugar, some zest and a shade of fresh cracked black pepper (the pepper brings out the "grilled" flavor and adds some spiciness).

5. Place the slices on the grill.

6. Cook for about a minute or two on one side.

7. Flip them over and brush the cooked side with some marmalade. Sprinkle on any remaining zest.

8. Cook slowly until tender, about another minute or two. Don't overcook, or they'll turn mushy.

9. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Tags: slices grill, vanilla cream, with some, with vanilla, with vanilla cream