Monday, May 11, 2009

Diet Vs Regular Soft Drinks

Many people argue about whether regular soda is worse for you than diet soda. While diet soda contains no calories, it is not necessarily a better option than a beverage such as water or juice. "Beverage Digest" reports that 10.2 billion cases of soda were sold in 2005.


Regular Pepsi has 100 calories in 8 ounces, while diet has 0. Diet Pepsi contains 25 mg of Sodium while regular has 20 mg. The major difference is that regular Pepsi has 28 g of carbohydrates in the form of sugar, while Diet Pepsi has 0 but contains 118 mg of aspartame. Being low in sodium as an advantage, because too much sodium is linked to higher blood pressure which increases the risk of heart and kidney disease. Sugar is essentially empty calories; it contributes to weight gain and diabetes. Aspartame's claims are controversial, but Dr. Walton produced a study that aspartame decreases serotonin synthesis in the brain, which can increase depression and have a larger impact on individuals with mood disorders.


Ingredients in both Pepsi and Diet Pepsi are made up of carbonated water, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavor. Caffeine gives the feeling of being full, but it comes with side effects, including addiction, anxiety, insomnia and hormonal imbalances. Since caffeine is a dietetic, it also does not quench your thirst. Phosphoric acid leaches calcium from your bones and can cause the enamel on your teeth to wear off.


CBS News reports that some people think artificial sweeteners leave an aftertaste that is less than desirable.

Side Effects

One downfall of regular soft drinks is that they are directly related to weight gain, because they have a large amount of sugar. Artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may cause you to get hungrier after consuming because the artificial sweeteners are linked to an increase in cravings. Artificial sweeteners may cause headaches or allergic reactions in some individuals as well.

Tags: Diet Pepsi, Artificial sweeteners, Diet Pepsi contains, diet soda, Pepsi contains, reports that