Thursday, May 19, 2011

Enjoy Sashimi

Tuna is one of the most common types of sashimi served in restaurants.

Sashimi is a Japanese term for raw saltwater seafood, which is commonly sliced thinly and served in small portions. Common sashimi items include salmon, tuna, fatty tuna, mackerel, yellowtail, hamachi and shrimp, though other types of saltwater fish are consumed as well. While sashimi is a fairly simple food to enjoy, there are a few basic guidelines that will increase your enjoyment and give you a basic knowledge of traditional Japanese customs.


1. Place a small amount of wasabi paste in the corner of your soy sauce dish and stir it into your soy sauce for dipping. Wasabi should be used to taste, but most of the wasabi paste should remain toward the side of your dish so you have control over the amount of wasabi paste you wish to add to each bite.

2. Use chopsticks to pick up a piece of sashimi. While you may use your hands to eat other types of sushi like nigiri, where fish is pressed by hand onto rice, or maki, which is rolled by hand into a cone-like shape, always eat sashimi with chopsticks.

3. Eat a piece of pickled ginger before eating a different type of sashimi. Pickled ginger helps to cleanse your palate between bites and makes the particular flavor and subtleties of each type of fish easier to notice and enjoy. Do not eat pickled ginger in the same bite as a piece of sashimi.

4. Try to eat the whole piece of sashimi, chewing three to five times at most. Your mouth tends to warm the fish, which can make fish with very strong flavors somewhat unappealing.

5. Take a piece of sashimi from another diner's plate with the side of your chopsticks that you are holding if you are sharing food. It is considered impolite and dirty to use the side of your chopsticks that are used to put food in your mouth when sharing sashimi.

6. Eat rice only between bites of sashimi if it is offered to you as a side dish. Never add rice to sashimi or eat them in the same bite.

Tags: piece sashimi, side your, wasabi paste, amount wasabi, amount wasabi paste, between bites, chopsticks that