Friday, October 29, 2010

Foods Served On French Holidays

Galette des rois is a dessert enjoyed during Epiphany.

The French celebrate 11 national holidays as well as smaller festivals held throughout various regions of the country, according to Discover France. During national holidays, businesses such as restaurants, banks, museums and shops close, allowing workers to travel or spend time with their families. Although bakeries and supermarkets in France sell pre-made holiday foods,some dishes are homemade and enjoyed with family and friends.

Galette des rois

Served on Epiphany, galette des rois, or king cake, is a puffed pastry tart filled with almond paste. According to France In the United States, the confection contains a small trinket figurine that is considered to be auspicious for the person who finds it in his or her slice.

Buche de noel

Enjoyed during Christmas, buche de noel is a rolled chocolate sponge cake shaped and decorated like a yule log. According to Joy of Baking, the cake symbolizes the freshly cut yule logs that were once used to prepare Christmas Eve suppers in France.


According to Easy French Food, the French prepare lamb on Paques, or Easter. Common homemade lamb dishes include gigot d'agneau, or roast leg of lamb, and brochettes d'agneau or barbecued lamb shish kabobs.


To celebrate la Chandeleur, or Candlemas, the French make wheat crepes, which according to the World Wide Gourmet, symbolize the solar wheel and celebrate the return of light. The World Wide Gourmet also states that different regions of France also make beignets, or doughnuts, to accompany the crepes on Candlemas.

Tags: Galette rois, national holidays, Wide Gourmet, World Wide, World Wide Gourmet