Friday, July 16, 2010

Facts Cuban Food

Cuban cuisine reflects the many cultures that now make up Cuba and its people. Slaves and immigrants from Africa, Spain, France, Haiti and nearby Caribbean Islands influenced Cuban cookery; in fact, different regions of Cuba tend to follow different traditions and recipes. For example, Western Cuban cuisine favors a European influence, while Eastern Cuban cuisine is derived from African and Caribbean cooking.

Example of a Cuban Meal

A Cuban dinner may typically include the basic rice and beans, along with a meat dish and a salad of tomatoes, lettuce and avocado.

Commonly Used Spices

Common spices used in Cuban cooking are cumin, garlic, oregano and bay laurel leaves.


Sofrito is used as a base to flavor meat and bean dishes. It is usually prepared in advance and includes a blend of bell peppers, garlic, cumin onion, oregano and bay leaves.

Desserts and Pastries

Cuban puff-pastries can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients such as cream cheese, guava, pineapple, ham or beef. They are served as snacks with coffee.

Cuban Sandwiches

Famously created by immigrant workers, Cuban sandwiches begin with the signature Cuban bread, which gets its flavor and texture from lard and being cooked on a plancha, and are filled with ham, roast pork, salami, Swiss cheese, mustard and pickles. There has been much debate over what ingredients a "traditional" Cuban sandwich includes and recipes vary according to personal taste.

Tags: Cuban cuisine, filled with