Monday, December 28, 2009

Dry Apples In A Food Dehydrator

Preserve your apples by drying them in a dehydrator.

Whether you're harvesting your own tree, or you're taking advantage of the fall harvest to get a great deal on apples, fall is the perfect time for preserving apples. One simple and tasty way to preserve them is by drying them on a food dehydrator. Dried apples make a great on-the-go snack that's healthy, too.


1. Wash and dry the apples thoroughly. Make sure your apples are ripe, but not spoiled or rotten.

2. Remove any stems or leaves from the apple and place it stem-end on the prongs of the apple peeler/corer. Carefully peel and core it. You will end up with a slinky-like apple coil. Simply take a knife and make a slice down one side of the apple, and you will have a neat stack of perfect apple rings. Remove any seeds, core pieces or blemishes from the apple slices.

3. Soak the apple rings for a few minutes in your sugar water solution, if desired, and sprinkle them with a small amount of cinnamon. Place the apple rings in a single layer on one tray of your dehydrator. Repeat steps as necessary until all the trays of your dehydrator are full.

4. Follow dehydrator directions for stacking trays and turning on dehydrator - some just plug in, but some models have different settings. Dry for four to six hours, or according to dehydrator instructions. Also, rotate trays as necessary or as directed in your instructions -- newer models don't require rotation.

5. Turn off dehydrator and allow slices to cool. Remove apple rings from trays and store in plastic storage baggies for future snacking.

Tags: apple rings, drying them, from apple, your apples, your dehydrator