Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Make A Pj Alcoholic Beverage

Pineapple pieces add to the fruity flavor of PJ.

PJ, which stands for party juice, is a potent alcoholic punch served at big parties. Relatively inexpensive and very easy to make, it is an alternative to beer kegs. The punch usually is made in large quantities in a cooler or even a clean trash can. Drinkers should beware -- PJ is made with pure grain alcohol, also called neutral grain spirit, which contains a 95 percent alcohol content. That is much higher than other liquors, such as rum (60 percent) or most spirits (40 percent). Do not overindulge with PJ. This recipe yields about 39 6-ounce servings.


1. Clean and dry your container of choice. A cooler with a water-release spout is ideal because it can be set on a table and the spout used to serve the PJ.

2. Prepare the fruit by washing, hulling and slicing the strawberries; peeling and slicing the pineapple and oranges; cutting the watermelon; and draining the cherries.

3. Pour the pure grain alcohol, vodka and punch into the container. Stir to mix.

4. Dump the fruit pieces into the punch liquid. Stir gently, being careful not to crush or break up the fruit.

5. Allow the punch to sit for 24 hours. This infuses the punch with the fruit flavors.

6. Serve the punch in 6-ounce portions. Use a ladle to scoop out fruit pieces into each cup.

Tags: fruit pieces, fruit pieces into, grain alcohol, pieces into, pure grain