Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Color Jelly Beans

Coloring jelly beans is process similar to coloring Easter eggs.

Jelly beans offer a sweet treat in a variety of flavors from bubble gum to popcorn. You can correlate the flavor of jelly beans with matching colors, such as pink for bubble gum and yellow for popcorn. Jellybeans promote a vibrant presentation for Easter baskets and candy bowls and can be used to decorate the frosting of cakes and cupcakes. You can complete an Easter or arts and crafts edible project by mixing different color food dyes to dip jelly beans in, as you would Easter eggs.


1. Purchase a package of assorted food coloring and disposable paper bowls. Cover your work surface with newspapers to prevent a mess.

2. Set each bowl up to contain a different color of food coloring. Squeeze different color drops of food coloring into each bowl.

3. Create lighter hues by adding white or yellow food coloring and darker hues by adding black, purple or blue food coloring. Make colors more vibrant by adding more drops of food coloring.

4. Place jelly beans in each bowl and swirl the bowl around so that all sides of the jellybeans are coated in food coloring.

5. Remove jellybeans from the food dye with a spoon when the desired color is reached. Allow them to dry on parchment paper for about 10 minutes.

6. Dip a tooth brush into food coloring and splatter the jellybeans with a contrasting color by running your finger over the bristles, if desired.

Tags: food coloring, different color, each bowl, jelly beans, color food