Friday, April 5, 2013

The Best Internet Wine Sellers

Buying wine on the Internet can be fast and easy.

Buying wine online from Internet wine sellers has become the preferred way for many wine lovers and collectors. Customers appreciate the competitive prices, greater selection, auction and advisory services and the ability to track down hard-to-find wines. In addition, wine enthusiasts save on state sales tax when they buy out of state. Shipping costs can be offset by specials and orders over a certain amount.

Founded in 1998 as, the San Francisco company became in 2001 and has grown to be the No. 1 Internet wine seller in the country. employs 100 full-time people and has fulfillment locations in 10 states. The company sometimes runs a one-cent special on shipping for orders more than $99.

K&L Wine Merchants

K&L Wine Merchants, which started in 1976, offers thousands of wines on its website with inventory updates in real-time. K&L has received awards from The Wall Street Journal, Food & Wine magazine and Wine Spectator magazine. The company also operates retail stores in San Francisco, Redwood City and Hollywood, Calif. K&L publishes a free monthly newsletter.

Brown Derby

The Brown Derby began as a liquor store in Springfield, Mo., in 1937. The company carries an inventory of more than 70,000 bottles of wine, some dating back to the late 1800s. The Brown Derby was named as one of the top wine shops in America by Food & Wine magazine.


Aside from offering almost 4,000 types of wine, Vinfolio features a wine marketplace where collectors can sell their wine through Vinfolio marketplace or Vinfolio fixed-price auctions. The company also offers full-service storage, advisory services, an inventory service that keeps your collection up-to-date and a personal cellar manager service to design, manage and maintain your collection.

Tags: Brown Derby, advisory services, Buying wine, company also, Food Wine, Food Wine magazine, Internet wine