Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Make Whole Grain Pasta Salad

Make whole grain pasta salad.

Adding more whole grains to your menu for better health is not a new idea. Whole grains have always been considered important. Recently consumer demand for whole grains has prompted many companies to offer a better variety, and this makes it easier for anyone to place a better product in their grocery cart. It does not matter which whole grain pasta you use for this recipe. Changing the vegetables will make a difference, of course. But, maybe you have a better idea! This is ours~


1. Cook one 12 oz. box of whole grain pasta according to package directions. Drain, but do not rinse. Return the pasta to the cooking pot, or place in a large serving dish. We used Barilla whole grain rotini, but any brand will work. If this is more product than you need, use half of the pasta, and one package of the vegetables.

2. Cook the packages of Green Giant Asian Medley according to package directions. Making half a recipe? Remember this will need just one package of vegetables.

3. Stir the vegetables into the whole grain pasta. Be sure it is completely mixed. You will see the seasoning melting, and notice the pleasant scent of oranges.

4. While this whole grain pasta salad is an entire meal for some, you may want to add more ingredients. If there is any pasta salad left, it will make good cold side dish with your next meal.

5. Email Dr. Oz about adding whole grains to your menu. He will be proud of you!

6. Whole grain pasta is recommended in all forms by the American Heart Association. Check their website for more information concerning the benefits of adding whole grains to your diet.

Tags: grain pasta, whole grain, whole grain pasta, whole grains, grains your, whole grains your, according package