Melt Chocolate on the Stove
Melted chocolate has a number of uses--everything from making chocolate--dipped strawberries to making candies or cookies. The best way to melt chocolate on the stove is by using a double boiler, a device that slowly melts the chocolate over hot water to prevent scorching and burning. Be sure to purchase chocolate that lists cocoa butter on the ingredient label. To save money, some chocolate manufacturers are producing inexpensive chocolate that uses vegetable oil instead of cocoa butter. Stay away from any chocolate that lists vegetable oil on the label because it doesn't melt nearly as well as real chocolate.
1. Add water to the bottom section of the double boiler until it is about half full. Place the double boiler over a medium flame on the stove.
2. Wait for the water to boil. When it does, turn the flame down to low and wait for the water to settle into a gentle simmer.
3. Chop your chocolate into small pieces using a sharp knife, especially if you are using chocolate bars. Chocolate chips do not need to be chopped.
4. Make sure the top saucepan on the double boiler is completely dry, and add the chocolate. If some water has splashed into the top saucepan, dry it out with a towel before you add the chocolate. Even a drop of water can cause your chocolate to "seize" or become grainy, so make sure no water gets into the pan while the chocolate is melting.
5. Stir regularly until the chocolate becomes shiny and begins to melt. Chocolate can burn easily, so keep stirring and don't leave it unattended.
6. Remove the top saucepan from the rest of the double boiler when the chocolate is almost melted. Take care when handling both the double boiler and the chocolate because they will be hot. The heat from the pan will continue melting the chocolate, so keep stirring for 1 to 2 minutes after removing it from the heat.
7. Use your melted chocolate to make chocolate-dipped strawberries, fudge or candy.
Tags: double boiler, chocolate that, Chocolate Stove, chocolate that lists, cocoa butter, keep stirring