Monday, February 9, 2009

What Is Considered The Best Sweet Corn To Eat

SE sweet corn holds it's flavor well and has a natural corn taste.

There are three types of sweet corn: normal sugary, sugary enhanced and supersweet, also known as SH2. SE and SH2 are hybrids and have genes that have improved their sweetness and shelf life. All three types vary in sweetness, texture, toughness and size of their kernel. Also, they vary in difficulty to plant and grow. The SE is considered to be the best sweet corn to eat, according to research by the University of Illinois.


The SH2 type is the sweetest of the three types, followed by the SE type; the SU type has the least amount of sweetness because it has the original genes of sweet corn. SE and SH2 are hybrids and they have extra genes that enable it to be sweeter. SE and SH2 both hold their sweetness longer than SU and don't have to be eaten soon after picking. SH2 holds its sweetness the longest.


All three types vary in texture and creaminess. The SU and SE types both have the creamy texture that is usually found in corn. SU and SE types are considered to have the best texture for eating off the cob and canning. According to the University of Illinois and Harris Moran Seed Company, the SH2 types are significantly less creamy. This is especially noticed when canning or freezing SH2 sweet corn because the lack of creamy texture hinders its taste and quality. However, SH2 is still good when eaten off the cob.


SE corn is the most tender of the sweet corn types. SE types lose moisture at a slower pace than that of the SU and SH2 types. Also, SE sweet corn holds in tenderness longer than the other two types due to the modifying gene that is used in creating it. SU is slightly less tender than SE corn, but SH2 has the toughest kernel of the three and the skin on the kernel is tougher.


SU and SE types have the best corn flavor that is typically found in corn. While as mentioned earlier SH2 is the sweetest of the three, but it does not have they typical flavor or taste that is found in corn. SE holds its flavor significantly longer than the SU type. SE is the better choice if you are looking for a sweeter corn that holds its flavor well and still has the typical corn taste.

Tags: sweet corn, three types, corn holds, found corn, holds flavor