Monday, February 16, 2009

Save Fresh Pumpkin Seeds

Save fresh pumpkin seeds to plant them in your garden the following year.

Pumpkins belong to the squash family. Growing your own pumpkins at home requires seeds from pumpkins that have not been cross-pollinated. When you select a pumpkin to save the seeds from, check to ensure that it was not grown with other crops like squash or zucchini nearby. Once you remove the seeds from the pumpkins, they need to be stored and dried properly before planting.


1. Select a ripe and healthy pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin in half with a sharp knife or remove the top.

2. Remove the seeds from inside the pumpkin with a large metal spoon. This will help to break the fibers that hold the seeds.

3. Place the pulp with the seeds into a bowl. Remove the seeds from the pulp mixture and place them in a colander.

4. Rinse the seeds off with cool water. Remove as much of the pulp as possible from the seeds.

5. Cover a baking sheet with paper towels. Place the pumpkin seeds on the paper towels in a single layer.

6. Select a dark and cool room in your home to dry the pumpkin seeds. Place the baking sheet in this location and leave the seeds there undisturbed for one month.

7. Examine the seeds after they dry for a month. Throw away seeds that contain mold or mildew.

8. Store the pumpkin seeds in a sealed envelope. Place the envelope in a cool and dark location until you are ready to plant the seeds.

Tags: seeds from, pumpkin seeds, baking sheet, from pumpkins, paper towels, Remove seeds