Thursday, February 19, 2009

Uses Of Hard Cheddar Cheese

Grated cheddar is a very useful cheese to keep in the refrigerator.

Cheddar cheese is aged from three months to five years and assumes a sharper flavor and harder texture as it ages. Between 18 months and three years of aging, the cheddar is hard but appropriate for most purposes. A double handle curved cheese knife is the most useful utensil to cut hard cheese although cheese-cubing and slicing utensils are available in kitchen supply stores. Different degrees of hardness and flavor are used for different purposes.

Slicing Cheddar Cheese

Aged hard sharp cheddar cheese is sliced -- carefully and possibly with some breakage -- and is delicious on hot or chilled roast beef sandwiches. Sliced hard cheddar is particularly suited for cheeseburgers cooked on the open grill. The sharp flavor of the cheese blends well with the robust flavor of the beef. Hard sharp cheddar makes grilled cheese sandwiches a richer, more flavorful dining experience. Slice the cheese as thinly as possible -- adding several layers if necessary -- and grill the sandwich over low heat so the cheese will melt properly. Another option is to thinly slice cheddar over two pieces of bread, slide them under the broiler to melt, put the two pieces of bread together and enjoy.

Cubing Cheddar Cheese

Hard cheddar cheese is very popular as an appetizer. The sharp flavor clears the taste buds and allows the flavor of other foods or beverages to reach their potential. Exercise care in cubing the cheddar; it may be prone to crumbling. If crumbling occurs, simply incorporate the chunks of cheese into the display for that natural look.

Grating Hard Cheddar

A tremendous variety of recipes exist that call for hard cheddar cheese. Grate the cheese at home or buy it grated for the sake of convenience. Use hard cheddar to add flavor to macaroni and cheese or any casserole. Grated hard cheddar is a staple for enchiladas, quesadillas, nachos and many other Mexican dishes. Perk up the flavor of mashed potatoes or sprinkle it over the top of a hot bowl of chili con carne. Hard cheddar is also delicious on pizzas made with several types of milder cheeses.

Sauces Made With Cheddar

There are at least two methods to make hard cheddar sauces to pour over nachos and broccoli or use as a fiery jalapeno dip. One method is to use a double broiler to heat the grated cheddar with a small amount of milk to melt it and then add the desired ingredients. Another method to make a basic hard cheddar sauce is to make a roux of flour and butter on top of the stove over medium heat, add the grated cheddar -- stirring constantly -- and as it thickens add whole milk to reach the desired consistency. Either method works well although a double broiler requires little attention while the stove top method requires constant supervision. Keep the sauce hot enough in a crock pot or chafing dish so it doesn't cool down enough to harden.

Tags: cheddar cheese, Cheddar Cheese, double broiler, grated cheddar, hard cheddar, heat grated