Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Set Up For Fondue

Set Up for Fondue

Fondue originates from the Swiss tradition of heating cheese in a pot and serving breads for dipping. Over time, fondue has expanded to include desserts like warm chocolate and caramel, as well as broth and oil fondues to cook meats and seafood. Fondues are simple to prepare, since they only require mixing ingredients in the fondue pot and cutting food items for dipping. Serve a cheese fondue as a party appetizer or try a dessert fondue for a romantic date at home.


1. Check your fondue recipe to determine the correct temperature for the fondue pot and to make sure you have the proper burner unit and supplies to heat your pot.

2. Purchase and assemble all the ingredients for your fondue and all the items for dipping. For a cheese fondue, traditional dipping items include cubes of French, Italian, rye and sourdough bread, diced chicken, ham and sausage, roasted or boiled baby potatoes, asparagus spears, broccoli and cauliflower florets, peppers and apple slices. For a dessert fondue, traditional dipping items include slices of banana, apple and mango, strawberries, cherries, cubes of pound cake and cheesecake, marshmallows and cookies. Broth and oil fondues require uncooked meats and seafood, depending on the recipe.

3. Place the fondue pot and any necessary heating elements in the middle of the dinner table. Include one fondue fork and one plate of bite-sized dipping items for each person.

4. Add the ingredients to your fondue pot in the order provided by your recipe after the ingredients have been prepared. Stir until the mixture is hot and has the correct consistency described in the recipe.

5. Dip food items directly into the fondue pot and eat. The fondue pot will keep your mixture at the proper temperature and consistency throughout your meal.

Tags: dipping items, your fondue, cheese fondue, dessert fondue, dipping items include, fondue traditional, fondue traditional dipping