Friday, September 28, 2012

Make Chocolate Reindeer Poop Candy

Make Chocolate Reindeer Poop Candy

Reindeer poop candy is a fun gag gift for the holidays. There are many variations to this recipe. The simplest way to make reindeer poop candy is to fill a plastic baggie with either chocolate-covered raisins or malted milk balls. The recipe in this article uses a delicious variety of candy that is melted together slightly to create tasty and authentic-looking "little reindeer gifts." These make a wonderful, inexpensive and humorous present during the Christmas and holiday season. Be sure to include the reindeer poop poem when gift giving so the recipient can enjoy the joke along with you.



1. Empty all of the packages of candy into a large pot (if using the stove) or microwavable bowl (if using the microwave). Mix the candy well.

2. Heat the mixture until the chocolate is slightly melted and the candy sticks together. If using a stove, heat on the lowest setting and stir constantly for several minutes. If using a microwave, heat on 50% power for 20 seconds, then stir and repeat.

3. Allow the candy to cool completely, then break it apart into small chunks.

4. Place several chunks of the candy mixture into each baggie or container. If using baggies, seal shut with a decorative ribbon or tie.

5. Attach a copy of the reindeer poop poem to the baggie or container. This could be done on a gift tag. Printable copies of a poem similar to the one below are included in the link section at the end of the article.

I woke up with a scare when I heard Santa call:

"Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!"

I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts,

Those nasty reindeer had left little 'gifts.'

I got an old shovel and started to scoop

Neat little piles of reindeer poop.

But to throw them away seemed such a waste,

So I saved them, thinking you might like a taste!

As I finished my task (which took quite awhile)

Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled.

And I heard him exclaim as he rose in the sky

"Well, they're not potty trained, but at least they can fly!"

6. Instead of using the full-length poem, you could simply use a tag that reads:

"You've been naughty,

So here's the scoop.

You're getting nothing

But reindeer poop!"

Tags: dash away, reindeer poop, away dash, away dash away, baggie container