Friday, June 1, 2012

What Are The Main African Foods

Couscous is a staple of northern African food.

African cooking is becoming an increasingly popular way to prepare meals all over the world. The main foods and dishes focus little on meat and mostly around fruits, vegetables and lots of whole grains and beans. Although similarities run between regions, the foods in each dish vary slightly in different parts of the continent.

Northern Cuisine

Because of the close proximity and frequent interaction with Mediterranean Europe, the northern region of Africa--bordering the Mediterranean Sea--has the most Western influence of all the regions. The main staple in North African food is couscous, although you can also expect the dishes to incorporate olives and their oil, cinnamon, ginger, saffron and nutmeg. The baking of sweet pastries is also popular, and the western influence has brought tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini and chili peppers into many dishes.

Eastern Cuisine

In East Africa, people keep cattle as a symbol of wealth, not a resource of food. Beef is not normally in the main dishes of this region, however people sometimes consume the animal's milk or blood. Relying on grains and vegetables, East Africans are fond of ugali, which is a corn paste, and matoke, which is a dish of steamed green bananas.

Along the coast, Arab influences make saffron, cloves, spiced steamed rice and pomegranate juice popular.

Settlers introduced oranges, tomatoes, pineapple, lemon, limes, pork meat, lentils, curries and pickles and are commonly used to flavor once bland dishes.

Southern Cuisine

Southern cuisine is a mixture of many influences. Portuguese, Dutch, British and Indian flavors and spices are the basis of most South African dishes. Seafood is common, and fresh fruit is often served for desserts.

The most common main dishes for the region include babotie, tomato bredie, vetkoek, and frikkadels.

Western Cuisine

Western foods tend to be starchy with little meat, but loaded with fat. Fufu is a main side dish, which is a paste of root vegetables, and is often served with soups and stews.

The West Africans also have a flair for heat. Using their native Guinea pepper, along with peanuts, is a common way to season dish.

Seafood mixed with chicken and goat are the main meats in Western cuisine. Lamb and beef tend to be too tough for consumption in this region.

Common Staples

Yams, green bananas, plantains and cassava are most common in central Africa, however these are staples for the entire continent. Because the main dishes rarely center around meat, vegetables including lentils and beans are the most popular foods in Africa. The foods and dishes are commonly spiced and flavored with cinnamon, cumin, garlic, nutmeg, okra, curry and clove.

Tags: main dishes, African food, foods dishes, green bananas, little meat