Friday, September 9, 2011

Freeze Potato Skins

Potato skins may be frozen up to a week in advance.

Whether your family likes them as snacks, or you're going to have a big party that you want to prepare for early, potato skins freeze well up to a week in advance. If you work during the week and only have time to do serious cooking on weekends, prepare these one weekend for guests who are visiting the following weekend. No need to defrost, either; they go straight from the freezer to your preheated oven with the help of a little aluminum foil.


1. Fill your potato skins according to your recipe, as you would if you were going to cook them for immediate consumption.

2. Tightly wrap each potato skin with plastic wrap. Make sure to wrap each one completely so that no part of the potato skin is exposed, or you may risk freezer burn.

3. Store the potato skins in a single layer on a sheet pan in your freezer. Once they are completely frozen, you can stack them, but do not stack while they are unfrozen because their shape may be damaged.

Tags: potato skin, potato skins, week advance, wrap each