Monday, June 13, 2011

Make A Broccoli Quiche

Whether you want one as a heady gourmet dish or as simple comfort food, a quiche is one of the easiest and most rewarding dishes around. You can stick with a simple ham and cheese recipe or opt for something more complex, like roasted spinach or crab, to make a great tasting quiche in a little over an hour. With this recipe you can make a tasty broccoli quiche with little cooking experience.


1. Melt about a tbsp. of butter in a skillet and slowly cook the broccoli, onions and garlic. It's important to cook slowly so as to not burn the butter or the garlic (doing so will create a bitter, almost rancid flavor).

2. Place the vegetable mixture in the pie crust. Spread it out evenly over the crust, but not tightly, leaving space for the egg mixture.

3. Mix the eggs and the milk in a large bowl, stirring vigorously to incorporate both. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Add the cheese on top of the broccoli in the crust, and add some cheese to the egg mixture as well. This helps ensure the cheese is distributed evenly.

5. Pour the egg mixture over the broccoli, filling in all of the empty space in the broccoli.

6. Put one more layer of cheese on the top of the final mixture, to give it a nice crust. The cheese will brown in the oven.

7. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until the mixture is completely cooked. If you stick a knife in the center, it should come out clean when the quiche is done.
