Friday, June 24, 2011

Prevent Gas When Cooking Cabbage

Removing the tough outer layers of the cabbage head will leave behind the less fibrous center.

If you season cabbage while cooking, you add flavor and prevent flatulence. High fiber foods like cabbage and legumes commonly cause a buildup of gas in the digestive system. Carminative herbs are those that contain essential oils to soothe the digestive tract. Adding carminative herbs and seasonings during the cooking process aids in the digestion of these foods and effectively reduces gas.

Season your next cabbage dish strategically to taste great and prevent unwanted intestinal gas after the meal.


1. Peel away the darker outer leaves of the cabbage head and discard them.

2. Hold the peeled cabbage head firmly with both hands as you slam the root end onto a cutting board. Grip the loosened root end with your fingers and twist as you pull it out.

3. Cut the cabbage head in half, and lay the flat sides on the cutting board as you cut both halves into thin strips.

4. Slide the cabbage strips into a colander and wash them thoroughly under cold running water.

5. Turn the clean strips of cabbage into a stockpot, and add enough water or stock to cover them completely.

6. Add a tablespoon each of one or more of the carminative herbs (see Things You'll Need) according to the flavor of the recipe.

7. Bring the seasoned liquid to a boil over medium-high heat then reduce to low and simmer for 30 minutes uncovered.

Tags: cabbage head, carminative herbs, cutting board