Monday, March 21, 2011

Make Homemade Instant Coffee

While powdered instant coffees making brewing your morning cup of joe quick and easy, the flavor is not always as satisfying to your taste buds as a fresh brewed pot make from fine grounds. Luckily, you can still make a quick brewed cup of coffee while enjoying the flavor of your favorite beans.


1. Choose your favorite coffee beans and grind them as finely as possible. Try to use the freshest beans possible, as the fresher the bean, the better tasting cup of instant coffee you can make.

2. Brew as much coffee as you like; however, add four times the grounds to your coffee make as you usually use to create a super potent liquid coffee. If you like, you can add sweetener or flavoring to your coffee now; however, remember to once again add four times the regular amount.

3. Allow your super strong coffee to cool and then place it in a clear glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Store your coffee in the refrigerator to keep it as fresh as possible.

4. Make your own instant coffee by simply boiling water and mixing with your super strong brewed coffee. Mix three parts boiled water with one part brewed and then add cream, flavors, sweeteners or anything else you like for a perfect cup of fast and fresh instant coffee.

Tags: your coffee, brewed coffee, coffee like, coffee make, four times, instant coffee