Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pickle Spicy Eggs

Whether a bar snack or a homemade treat, pickled eggs are delectable.

Pickling eggs starts with hard-boiled eggs and lots of them. Bring fresh eggs to a boil and leave them covered in the hot water for about 15 minutes. When they are ready, peel and prepare them for brining. There are many variations on the pickled spicy egg though all you need to do is vary the pickling solution. Some spicy recipes call for brown sugar and hickory smoke, others will contain hot cinnamon candy. For definitive heat, add quartered jalapeno peppers to the brine.


1. Prepare the pickling solution. Boil all the ingredients, not including the eggs, which should already be boiled and peeled. Simmer the solution for five minutes.

2. Pack the peeled eggs loosely into a sterilized quart jar.

3. Pour the hot pickling solution over the eggs in the jar, and make sure to cover all the eggs. Seal tightly.

4. Refrigerate the eggs for a week. Cure small eggs up to two weeks, and medium and large eggs for up to four weeks.

5. Use the pickled eggs within four months.

Tags: pickling solution, pickled eggs