Monday, August 2, 2010

Freeze Pancake Batter

Unless you have a big family that eats pancakes every morning, it's likely that you're going to have some leftover batter every time you cook a pancake breakfast. Well, you need not fear wasting batter; all you have to do is freeze it and it should be ready for you the next time you feel like having pancakes.


Freezing Pancake Batter

1. Pour your leftover batter into an airtight container. As you do so, scrape the batter clinging to the sides of the bowl or blender with the rubber spatula.

2. Cover the airtight container with its lid. Make sure no air can get in; freezer-burned batter doesn't taste good. Also, ice crystals may form in the container, ruining the texture of the batter.

3. Place your container in the freezer. For best results, place the container in a spot where temperature fluctuations caused by opening and closing the freezer door won't cause the batter to melt and refreeze. But also try to put it where you can see the container, so you don't forget that it's there. Depending on the temperature settings of your freezer, the batter should freeze within an hour.

Tags: airtight container, leftover batter, Pancake Batter