Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Root A Cutting From An Avocado Tree

Root a Cutting From an Avocado Tree

Avocados grow in temperate and tropical climates such as Central and South America and California. The avocado is used in many ways in traditional Central American cuisine, and it is used throughout the world as a topping or dip. Growing avocado trees commercially is done by grafting root cuttings, to ensure that the tree will produce fruit quickly and efficiently. Growing an avocado tree from seed can take from 4 to 15 years before fruit is produced.


1. Cut root sections from an avocado-tree seedling at a length of four inches. Ensure that the root has not been exposed to light or humidity.

2. Place the root cuttings into wooden planter boxes and cover with moist topsoil and compost. Leave them in a temperate dry area away from sunlight.

3. Cut the avocado suckers away from the parent root after they sprout. This should take between 6 and 12 weeks for most varieties.

4. Plant the avocado suckers in 10-inch-deep planting pots and allow them to grow until they start to outgrow the pot. This may take one year. Transplant them into the yard or grove after one year.

Tags: avocado suckers, Avocado Tree, away from, Cutting From, Cutting From Avocado, From Avocado