Friday, August 6, 2010

Cool Down A Spicy Dish

You sit down to a glorious meal, take a first bite and almost immediately feel a burning sensation on your tongue. You want nothing but an ice cube--and fast You want to remain calm and gracious, to be as cool as your friends who seem to be relishing the hot dish, but you can't. What's a person to do? Whether you are dining out at a restaurant, serving a meal to guests in your home or attending a fancy dinner party, there are ways to cool the heat of a fiery dish.


1. Taste the dish before you set it in front of your guests if you are serving a meal at home. You do not want any surprises at the table. If a curry dish is too hot, whip up a bit of raita to eat along with the entrée. This Indian dish is made of yogurt, cucumbers and a bit of chopped onion. Dairy products such as milk, cream, yogurt and sour cream also can reduce the heat in a spicy dish. Serve milk as a beverage for your friends who cannot take the heat.

2. Consider the dish you want to tone down. Adding acidic foods can reduce the alkalinity of the food and make the heat less noticeable. Some acidic foods to consider are tomato sauce, pineapples, vinegar and lemon or lime juice.

3. Add a starchy vegetable such as corn, potatoes or carrots. You can chop the potatoes into large pieces if you do not want them to be part of the final dish. That way it will be easy to remove and toss them in the garbage. Many cooks use this trick in dishes that get too salty

4. Serve the entrée over a bed of rice to tame down and spread the heat out. A delicious roll or whole grain bread also will help soothe the tongue. You can add some flour to your dish if it is something like chili that will not be ruined if the sauce is thickened.

5. Add a touch of honey, sugar or coconut milk to the dish. This will give it a tangy flavor that will not be so overpowering in spices.

Tags: acidic foods, serving meal, that will, your friends