Monday, July 27, 2009

Health Benefits Of Garlic Salt

Health Benefits of Garlic Salt

We all know about the benefits of garlic; we hang a clove around our neck, and we are safe from vampires. That is one heck of a benefit. However garlic, whether in its natural clove state or in a manufactured state like garlic salt, has many health benefits that shouldn't be ignored. They are benefits which could prolong your life and make it a healthier one while you are living it. And no, you don't need to hang a bottle of garlic salt around your neck to achieve them.


The medicinal value of garlic lies within the strength of its odor and flavor. However, if you do not like fresh garlic, you can still receive the medicinal benefits by supplementing with garlic products such as garlic salt.


Garlic is comprised of sulfur compounds. These compounds are responsible for the flavor garlic produces--as well as the health benefits it provides.

Cancer Fighter

The sulfur compounds in garlic neutralize the power found in cancer causing chemicals, which slows the growth of tumors.

Protects Arteries

Garlic protects against heart attacks and strokes by preventing LDL (the bad cholesterol) from building up along the walls of the arteries.

Fights Infection

Garlic stimulates T-cells, cells that fight off infection in the body. It also kills the viruses responsible for the common cold and the flu.


If you opt to purchase manufactured garlic salt versus natural garlic cloves, be sure to buy the highest quality brands to ensure the highest sulfur levels. You may also want to make homemade garlic salt which will give you the most health benefits, but it will be minus the additives and preservatives.

Tags: garlic salt, Benefits Garlic, Benefits Garlic Salt, garlic salt, health benefits