Friday, July 31, 2009

Chip Cinnamon Sticks

You can chip up cinnamon sticks for baking or crafts.

Cinnamon sticks are an aromatic natural ingredient used in baking and craft projects. If you have whole sticks of cinnamon you may want to chip up the sticks to make a smaller product to work with. Cinnamon sticks are hard by nature and it will require some preparation and proper technique to create a smoothly chopped cinnamon stick and not a rough end product. You can use chipped cinnamon for baking items like cookies and bread or for crafts like homemade potpourri sachets.


1. Run the cinnamon sticks under water to remove any dust, which is especially important if you will use the cinnamon for baking.

2. Lay the cinnamon sticks on a cutting board and give them a few rough chops with a cutting knife, breaking the sticks up just a bit to make them easy to chip in the food processor.

3. Set up a food processor on your counter and pour the broken cinnamon pieces inside. Pulse the food processor to further chop the cinnamon, stopping when the cinnamon pieces are about the size of chocolate chips.

4. Pour the cinnamon chips into a strainer so any cinnamon dust created in the food processor is strained out and you are left with just the chipped pieces of cinnamon.

Tags: food processor, cinnamon baking, cinnamon pieces, cinnamon sticks