Monday, April 13, 2009

Roast & Boil Peanuts In Shell

Roasted and boiled peanuts are popular snacks, but they can be expensive to purchase pre-made. Since both recipes call for very few ingredients, simple cooking methods and very basic kitchen equipment, peanut-lovers of nearly all skill levels can make roasted and boiled peanuts on their own. Following a simple recipe, almost anyone can roast or boil peanuts in the shells.


Roasting Peanuts in the Shell

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

2. Arrange raw peanuts in shells on a baking sheet with shallow edges. Do not overcrowd the tray.

3. Place the tray in the preheated oven.

4. Bake the peanuts for 20 to 25 minutes.

5. Stir the peanuts every 5 to 10 minutes during cooking.

6. Remove the peanuts from the tray and serve immediately.

Boiling Peanuts in the Shell

7. Place several pounds of peanuts in a large stockpot.

8. Add ½ cup salt for each pound of peanuts in the stockpot.

9. Cover the peanuts and salt with water.

10. Place the stockpot on a stovetop burner and bring the peanuts and water to a boil.

11. Reduce heat to a heavy simmer and simmer for one to three hours.

12. Remove the stockpot from the heat and drain the peanuts.

13. Serve the boiled peanuts immediately.

Tags: boiled peanuts, Peanuts Shell, peanuts shells