Friday, April 3, 2009

Make Crockpot Spaghetti

You can make enough spaghetti in a slow cooker to feed a crowd.

This makes an easy filling meal with almost no effort. You can set it up in the early afternoon and have it for dinner. You can also combine all the ingredients (except the sauce) in a freezer container and thaw it when you're ready to cook. Add salad and garlic bread and you're ready to feed the neighborhood!


1. Dice or chop all ingredients. Brown hamburger in frying pan. Add fennel, black pepper, garlic powder and onion. Saute until onion is softened and fennel is aromatic.

2. Break spaghetti in half, unless it will fit in your cooker whole. Put half the jar of spaghetti sauce in the crock pot, then layer the rest of the ingredients in. Top with the rest of the sauce, then with the browned hamburger mixture.

3. Add water to spaghetti sauce jar, then shake to remove the last of the sauce. Pour into Crock-Pot.

4. Turn Crock-Pot to high and cover. Stir every hour, making a point to keep the noodles from sticking to each other.

5. Serve when hot and thoroughly cooked, approximately 5 to 6 hours.

Tags: sauce then, spaghetti sauce