Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Find A Sweet Watermelon

Choosing a ripe watermelon is very easy.

Juicy sweet watermelons are a refreshing delight in summer. Choosing a sweet ripe watermelon is easy when you know what to look for. Some people like to thump and hear a hollow sound, while some rely on experience. Instead of wasting time in the produce aisle thumping every watermelon, use some insider knowledge to choose the perfect, sweet ripe watermelon.


1. Observe the light green stripes on the watermelon. They should appear jagged and broken. The dark green patches and stripes should be uniformly dark colored since it shows that the watermelon ripened evenly in the sun.

2. Look for the creamy yellow spot on the underside of the watermelon. This spot should not be very wide since this is where the melon rested on the ground while it ripened. A large spot means the watermelon did not receive uniform amounts of sun and water. Raw watermelons have a whiter spot, while ripe ones have a yellowish spot.

3. Press your fingers into the watermelon to check for soft or mushy spots. Soft spots indicate that the watermelon has started to rot, and will not taste fresh. A good watermelon is hard all over.

4. Run your fingers around the center of the watermelon. Ripe watermelons develop ridges across the rind as they mature and become sweeter.

5. Thump or tap the watermelon slightly to hear for a hollow sound. A hollow sound ensures the watermelon is ripe.

Tags: hollow sound, ripe watermelon, hear hollow, hear hollow sound, sweet ripe, sweet ripe watermelon, that watermelon