Thursday, November 21, 2013

Make Chirashi Sushi

Chirashi sushi is essentially scattered sushi on a bed of rice. Chirashi allows you to enjoy the tastes of a traditional sushi roll without the work. This casual dish does not have a fixed recipe and can be a main course or appetizer. Traditionally nine toppings are used but you can add whatever is available.


1. Prepare rice as you would for sushi. Use about 2 cups of rice for this dish.

2. Choose your toppings and shred. Your toppings may include a variety of vegetables, eggs, nori, cooked and raw sushi-quality seafood as well as cooked meat. The variations you can try are endless. Be creative when choosing the toppings.

3. Prepare the toppings for the dish. Depending on what you plan to use, you may need to do additional cooking. Vegetables may need to be cooked until softened while eggs may need to be cooked enough to cut the pan.

4. Fill half of the serving bowl with the sushi rice. If you choose to add a vegetable or vinegar mix to the rice, do so before you transfer the rice to the serving bowl.

5. Add the toppings to the top of the rice. Presentation is everything with this dish. Arrange the toppings so that the dish is visually appealing. Add one topping at a time for a layered look.

Tags: need cooked, serving bowl, sushi rice, this dish