Friday, May 31, 2013

Make Equine Bran Mash

Feeding a horse warm bran mash is an equestrian tradition that has been passed down for generations. Not only is bran mash a comfort food, but it is a great way to hide medicines, supplements and vegetable oil or mineral oil from a picky horse. Making a warm and delicious bran mash is so quick and easy anyone can do it.


1. Choose a bran for your mash. Not all bran is created equally and while wheat is the traditional bran fed in a hot mash, rice is a nice alternative. It still has the problem of being significantly higher in calcium than phosphorous, but not only is rice bran high in fiber, protein and calories like wheat bran, it is also has a higher fat content and is kinder on the intestinal lining.

2. Place your bran in a bucket and slowly stir in four cups of hot water. Stir constantly until the mash is uniform in texture.

3. Add in the grated carrot and molasses. You can spice up your bran mash by substituting apple sauce for molasses, dicing up an apple in place of the grated carrot or adding a cup of grain from your horse's daily ration.

4. Place any additional supplements or medications in the mixture and thoroughly stir the mash. Bran mashes are great for hiding medications and supplements because it is paste like and horses can't root through it to separate the palatable mixture from the unappetizing medications or supplements, like they can with many textured grains and/or pellets.

5. Allow the bran to cool somewhat before feeing it your horses. It should be warm, but not so hot that it could scorch your horse's mouth and tongue.

Tags: bran mash, grated carrot, medications supplements, your bran, your horse