Monday, October 8, 2012

Store And Freeze Avocados

Avocados should be pureed before they are frozen.

Avocado, which is not a vegetable, is a member of the berry family. Called the alligator pear by the English who lived in Jamaica, avocados do not ripen on the tree. A good method of storage for growers is to leave them on the tree. Avocados are difficult to store because they are best used fresh, but they can be frozen and used in future dishes.


1. Cut open your ripe avocado. Do this by cutting through the avocado lengthwise and then cutting around the seed.

2. Remove the seed of the avocado by holding the side of the fruit with the seed in it firmly in one hand. Gently tap the blade of the knife into the seed, twist and remove the seed from the fruit. Gently push the seed off the knife from the unsharp side of the knife; never pull it.

3. Scoop the flesh of the avocado out into a bowl or plastic container. Sprinkle the flesh with lime or lemon juice or vinegar. Place a lid or plastic wrap over the bowl or container and store in the refrigerator for up to a day.

4. Mash or puree the avocado if you intend to freeze it. Place the puree in an air-tight container with at least 1/2 inch of headroom to allow for expansion.

5. Close the container and place in the freezer. The avocado should last for several months and can be used in recipes calling for avocado, although it will not be good for salads or for other fresh uses this way.

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