Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Aloa Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a widely cultivated cactus-like plant that is a member of the lily family. Aloe vera juice is made by mixing concentrated gel from the plant with water, flavorings, or juices from other fruit and vegetable sources.


While Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a balm for cuts, burns and a wide variety of other purposes, drinking the plant's juice is a relatively recent development.


Proponents of aloe juice believe that it cleanses the bowels, relieves the effects of irritable bowel syndrome and heals ulcers. Some of these claims remain unsubstantiated.


In October 1999, the "British Journal of General Practice" published a thorough review of ten scientific studies on the effects of aloe vera. The studies included topical applications as well as oral administration.

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The British journal revealed that oral administration of aloe vera reduced serum cholesterol levels by 15.4 percent in test subjects. Similarly, a group of diabetic women experienced a decrease in blood-glucose levels from 250 mg to 141 mg.


While the 1999 review appears to validate some claims of aloe juice proponents, its authors concluded that more studies need to be conducted. Meanwhile, advocates can take solace in knowing that these early studies found no adverse effects with low doses.

Tags: aloe juice, oral administration