Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make Your Own Spreads

A food processor is a great asset when making your own spreads.

Spreads, like peanut butter or tapenade, make a tasty breakfast, appetizer or snack. Making your own spreads at home means you can control the quality of the ingredients and will not have to consume the preservatives that many store-bought spreads contain.


1. Purchase fresh ingredients. For example, if you are making a roasted vegetable spread, purchase the vegetables from a farmer's market or a grocery store that carries fresh produce.Also, instead of buying roasted and salted peanuts to make a homemade peanut butter recipe, purchase peanuts and roast them at home yourself.

2. Find a straightforward recipe and ensure that you understand all the steps before you begin to make the spread. Read the ingredients list first, especially to determine any special equipment you may need to complete the recipe, like a food processor.

3. Store the spread properly. Most spreads must be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Depending on the ingredients in the spread, its shelf life will differ. For example, a spread containing dairy will only last a few days in the refrigerator, but you can enjoy a homemade peanut butter for up to two weeks..

Tags: peanut butter, food processor, homemade peanut, homemade peanut butter, your spreads