Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stabilize Whip Cream To Add To Your Pudding Frosting Or Jello

For best whipped cream results, cream should always have 35 percent butterfat content.

Whipped cream is an essential ingredient, and often the crown jewel, for many desserts. This delicate creation, however, will separate if it's overbeaten or left at room temperature for a short period of time. There is an easy way to stabilize whipped cream before adding to frosting, pudding, jello and other desserts. This simple technique can enhance your dessert creations.


1. Combine 1 tsp. gelatin and 4 tsp. cold water in a medium-sized pan. Let it stand until it is thick.

2. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from stove when the gelatin dissolves.

3. Remove from heat. Allow it to cool, but do not allow the mixture to set.

4. Beat 1 cup cream and 1/4 cup sugar until the mixture is slightly thick.

5. Slowly add the gelatin to the whipped cream. Beat the mixture at a high speed until stiff white peaks appear.

Tags: desserts This, Remove from, whipped cream