Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Make A Flaming Doctor Pepper

Believe it or not, a Flaming Doctor Pepper does not actually include the famous Dr. Pepper drink. The Flaming Doctor Pepper gets its name from the taste of the drink itself; yes, the flaming doctor pepper tastes like Dr. Pepper without any actual Dr. Pepper. This drink is actually done as a "bomb" style drink.


1. Place the shot glass next to the drinking glass. Once you have done this, fill the large drinking glass with beer to the point that it is level with, or slightly above, the shot glass.

2. Fill the shot glass 3/4 of the way full with Amaretto. Be sure to leave enough room for more liquid, but make sure the shot is predominantly amaretto.

3. Fill the rest of the shot glass with 151 proof rum. Be sure to not fill the shot glass completely full, as you need to be able to pick it up.

4. When you are ready to "perform" the bomb and make the drink, take your lighter and light the shot on fire. The 151 proof rum will help make the drink flammable.

5. After the shot has been lit on fire, grab the large glass, drop the shot glass in that glass, and then drink the glass.

Tags: shot glass, Flaming Doctor Pepper, Doctor Pepper, drinking glass, Flaming Doctor, glass with, make drink