Monday, November 30, 2009

Blueberry Bushes In Winter

The blueberry bush is a winter-hardy plant.

The distinctive bright purple-blue color of the blueberry stands out in the fruit aisle and the cereal bowl. This versatile fruit is known for possessing healthful properties that may work to fight high cholesterol, glaucoma, memory loss, cancer and urinary tract infections. The blueberry bush is hardy and can survive even the harshest winters with just a little extra care.


There are four main types of cultivated blueberries. The rabbiteye and southern highbush varieties are recommended for areas with milder, shorter winter seasons. The highbush does well in a harsher winter with temperatures that reach as low as -20F, and the half-high blueberry is recommended for the harshest winter conditions where temperatures can be as low as -35F to -45F. Cross-pollination of more than one blueberry cultivar will yield a larger crop and growing season.


Blueberry bushes should be pruned during the dormant winter season. Pruning will reduce the amount of blueberries produced but the berries will be larger. Regular pruning can also increase the productive life of the blueberry bush, help shape the spacing of the berries on the bush and shift the growing season of the crop. Pruning to balance the number of flower buds on newer, small shoots and those on larger-diameter shoots will increase the length of the growing season and will mitigate a complete loss due to cold weather conditions.


To decrease potential winter freeze damage, avoid cultivation in the early spring and later winter. Cultivated soil does not hold heat as well as uncultivated soil. It holds less heat due to the higher amount of air versus water in the soil.


Moist soil will absorb more daytime heat and the subsequent release of the heat to the surface will help prevent frost damage to the blueberry plants. A soil irrigation system can be used to maintain the appropriate amount of moisture during periods predicting frost. Avoid overwatering because it may lead to root damage.

Tags: blueberry bush, growing season, season Pruning