Monday, July 29, 2013

Make Mango Sauce

Sweet, tangy mango sauce is a natural on baked goods, ice cream, yogurt, meat and fish. Fresh mango sauce is easy and expensive to make with a few ingredients, basic knowledge of cooking techniques and a little time.


Making Homemade Mango Sauce

1. Preparing the mango is a little work. They are very messy--the fruit has a large quantity of juice and also has a large, pithy pit in the center. Using a sharp knife, hold the mango with the small end toward you and cut a thick slice off either side of the mango to form two thick slices. With the skin side down, score the mango fruit, then lift the slice and push up on the skin. This will cause the mango slices or cubes to pop up so you can scoop them out. Then cut the remaining peeling and fruit from around the mango pit.

2. Place the sliced or cubed fresh mango in a food processor. Process on high till the fruit is pureed. Pour the puree into a heavy saucepan. Add the sugar and citrus juice and stir thoroughly.

3. Cook over medium heat, stirring often, until the sauce reduces by one-third and begins to thicken nicely. Cool

4. The sauce is ready to serve. A nice variation of this recipe is the addition of either fresh mint or jalapeno and serving with fish, chicken or pork. To make a sauce for ice cream or yogurt, add crystallized ginger or cardamom. Mango sauce is very nice on fresh scones or even toasted bread. A fruit dip can be made by mixing 1 cup of mango sauce with 1 cup of sour cream. Serve with assorted fresh fruit.

5. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly covered bowl for up to two weeks. You can also freeze mango sauce for later use.

Tags: mango sauce, cream yogurt